Dilemma of Nigeria Bankers

The strong competitiveness and need for high profitability as well as impressive returns on shareholder's investments now force the post-consolidation banks to employ outrageous and aggressive marketing strategies that have little or no respect for human values or virtues.The rate of outright or disguised unemployment as well as attractive remuneration packages in the banking industry make working in the industry not only attractive but also enviable, especially to young graduates in the country.Just as oil and telecommunication companies, entry-level bank employees are handsomely paid,well equipped with modern banking tools,aided with the state-of-the-art information technology gadgets and they, no doubt operate in conducive working environments.

However, there are several silent dangers embedded in working as employees of banking organisations.These dangers are so implicit that one can hardly observe but for experiences of bank employees themselves and observations exposed by keen banking industry observers. These remuneration and technology-coated dangers range from strained relationships to sexual harassment or professionally induced prostitution. Beautiful young ladies are employed into the marketing departments of some banks to woo and attract patronage from captains of industry, giving whatever it takes.These ladies are given deadlines and targets and failure to meet the targets at the appointed times attracts ruthless penalties in forms of suspension and pay stoppage or deduction.

Troubled young ladies in order to retain their jobs, stoop to sexual pressures from their prospective clients, rendering themselves vulnerable to the dangers of the scourge of HIV/AIDS. Relationships, for bank employees are totally strained and jeopardised. Married bankers hardly spend meaningful periods of time with their spouses and children.Those who are not married have little or no time for courtship or friendship while those who are already into some friendship or courtship end up in failure.To sustain any relationship,time is inevitable but bankers’ have no control over their times, for they work on Saturdays and Sundays at the detriment of their marriages, friendships or courtships.

A banker with one of the strongest banks in Nigeria once said “As a banker, one has no time for oneself, one’s spouse or children. Many of us even work on Saturdays and Sundays depending on the bank in question.Really, it strains relationships and family sense of belonging for the married ones.” He said further, “Single bankers are terribly affected because they find it difficult to start or maintain a relationship and that is why we have too many unmarried bankers, especially ladies who are ripe for marriage.Health defects that emanate from restless lifestyle and long hours on the job may be the lots of new generation bank workers.

Scientists in their findings, say too much eye exposure to computer monitors without intermittent time off is dangerous to the eyes and also, sedentary working style of bankers is not good for their health. Exposure to too much air-conditioners,mental and physical stress, coupled with solitude of single bankers may result into frequent break down of health.
Restlessness, anxiety and stress have been linked to high blood pressure, and bankers are prone to these risk factors more than any other category of employees.